The Sports and Youth Minister, Datuk Seri Ahmad Shabery Cheek said, that the concert will be held to attract more youth to celebrate this event that would be held from the 27th to the 29th of May.

Thursday, April 28, 2011
Good News for Msia's SUJU ELF - Free concert on 28th May 2011
Super Junior M will be performing for Hari Belia on 28th May 2011 in Putrajaya, organised by Marctensia Concerts
The Sports and Youth Minister, Datuk Seri Ahmad Shabery Cheek said, that the concert will be held to attract more youth to celebrate this event that would be held from the 27th to the 29th of May.
The Sports and Youth Minister, Datuk Seri Ahmad Shabery Cheek said, that the concert will be held to attract more youth to celebrate this event that would be held from the 27th to the 29th of May.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
:: unforgettable memories :: - Super Junior Super Show 3 Live in Malaysia Concert
date: 19th March 2011
venue: stadium putra bukit jalil, kuala lumpur
time: 6.30 pm - 10.30 pm
venue: stadium putra bukit jalil, kuala lumpur
time: 6.30 pm - 10.30 pm
and d result is.....
huwaa.. i need new shoes.. nevermind.. it's all because my Suju.. hihi.. :P
:: unforgettable memories :: - trip to MEDAN, INDONESIA
well, finally.. i hv d time to wrote down.. lately, i just keep posted some info for knowledge sharing.. now, it's bout my self..
a few months ago, i hv d chance to go to Medan.. how to describe it??? hurm.. well, at first i was shocked with their traffic environment.. yelah, everywhere we go, the driver, the motorcyclist keep honking if they want to cut the queue.. n even i fall asleep, it keeps in my dream.. :)
some of the pictures for sharing:..
while waiting for the flight-->
a few months ago, i hv d chance to go to Medan.. how to describe it??? hurm.. well, at first i was shocked with their traffic environment.. yelah, everywhere we go, the driver, the motorcyclist keep honking if they want to cut the queue.. n even i fall asleep, it keeps in my dream.. :)
some of the pictures for sharing:..
while waiting for the flight-->
snap.. snap.. snap..
<-- grab opportunity before go to d plane
we hv the chance go to Lake Toba.. it's amazing.. beautiful.. there is no words to describe it..
some views at the Lake Toba:-
<-- yeay!!! finally, i'm at Lake Toba.. :D
please do not think only KL hv Sogo k..-->
aside sight-seeing, what else we do.. jeng.. jeng.. jeng..
shopping la.. of course.. d must do activities.. hihihi..
eating.. i luv their Durian Pancake.. it's yummy!!
Thursday, April 7, 2011
FB's Forbidden Love Story
A 23-year-old Singaporean facing objections from his family to marry his 47-year-old sweetheart went public with his tragic love story he posted their plight on Facebook.
Sin Chew Daily reported that both their family members refused to attend the wedding.
The couple apparently posted their plight on the popular social network site to gain public support and blessings for their relationship.
The man and the woman, who has a daughter, also uploaded intimate pictures of themselves on Facebook.
The daily added that the man said he would not give up.
The woman also admitted that her daughter and family members strongly objected to their marriage as she was 24 years older than her boyfriend.
“But we love each other very much,” she said.
The daily reported that some Netizens felt that the couple were just staging a show, while others described it as a mother-and-son relationship.
Only a few sympathised with the duo.
China Press reported on a Hong Kong magazine speculating that superstar Andy Lau's Malaysian wife Carol Choo was pregnant.
The Hong Kong media had been talking about Choo's pregnancy even before Lau admitted that the former Malaysian beauty queen was his wife.
The daily reported that Lau, who has a busy schedule, insisted on accompanying Choo when she returned to Malaysia for the Qing Ming Festival as she was pregnant.
Lau hired assistants and bodyguards to protect his wife, it reported. It added that Choo was also seen wearing loose clothes.
Sin Chew Daily reported that both their family members refused to attend the wedding.
The couple apparently posted their plight on the popular social network site to gain public support and blessings for their relationship.
The man and the woman, who has a daughter, also uploaded intimate pictures of themselves on Facebook.
The daily added that the man said he would not give up.
The woman also admitted that her daughter and family members strongly objected to their marriage as she was 24 years older than her boyfriend.
“But we love each other very much,” she said.
The daily reported that some Netizens felt that the couple were just staging a show, while others described it as a mother-and-son relationship.
China Press reported on a Hong Kong magazine speculating that superstar Andy Lau's Malaysian wife Carol Choo was pregnant.
The Hong Kong media had been talking about Choo's pregnancy even before Lau admitted that the former Malaysian beauty queen was his wife.
The daily reported that Lau, who has a busy schedule, insisted on accompanying Choo when she returned to Malaysia for the Qing Ming Festival as she was pregnant.
Lau hired assistants and bodyguards to protect his wife, it reported. It added that Choo was also seen wearing loose clothes.
Another things or matters about SOCIAL MEDIA!!!
Social media is named aptly so because it's a tool to be social. Unfortunately, there are many amongst us who do the most inane things on Facebook and Twitter that makes you roll your eyes, drop your jaw and sometimes is downright pathetic.
We know you're bored whilst sitting on the toilet. But maybe, instead of tweeting about your bowel movements today, as you always do, maybe you should read about what's happening in the world on Yahoo! News for a change. Likewise, we don't need to know how much milk your "hardworking breasts" lactated for your newborn. True story!
Make up your mind - are you single? Are you in a relationship? Is it complicated? It's not too hard
You might think its so kawaii to be in a relationship with your girlfriend, because you are best friend forever- its NOT! Grow up.
We'd like to see the day your dog gets trained to log on to his own Facebook account.
You know those people - ‘my life sucks because my daddy doesn't want to get me a yacht for my birthday' or ‘this is the worse day of my life because my husband cancelled on dinner because he had to work to support my extravagant lifestyle.' Suck it up and stop.
We're not sure what it is - to up your ‘friends' numbers or to seem like you're friends with the cool kids. When you add somebody, a pop up screen comes on telling you that you should "only send this request if you know him or her personally." How do people miss this disclaimer?
The driving force behind the success of Facebook is...vanity. People love the idea that others are watching what they're doing. But seriously! We don't need to know what names you call your boyfriend and what you're planning to do to him tonight.
Yes, it's funny. But chances are, his boss and his mother are also on Facebook. You don't want to go out for a big one on a weeknight, have to call in sick for work the day after only to have your boss tell you that he's already seen photos of you sh*tfaced crawling in the gutter on Facebook. If you don't want that to happen to you, don't do it to your friends.
Facebook bans 20,000 kids from their site everyday, and we're glad this is done. Parents need to be more diligent with policing their children on social media, and they should be educated on social media etiquette in school. Sexual predators are nothing to joke about.
I have a job, I don't want to feed virtual sheeps. You need to get off your computer and get a life.
1.People who think their every movement should be announced.
We know you're bored whilst sitting on the toilet. But maybe, instead of tweeting about your bowel movements today, as you always do, maybe you should read about what's happening in the world on Yahoo! News for a change. Likewise, we don't need to know how much milk your "hardworking breasts" lactated for your newborn. True story!
2. People who change their relationship statuses every other week.
3. People who are in a relationship with their BFF
4. Setup Facebook accounts for your 2-year-old kid, or worse, your dog!
We'd like to see the day your dog gets trained to log on to his own Facebook account.
5. Woe is me statuses.
You know those people - ‘my life sucks because my daddy doesn't want to get me a yacht for my birthday' or ‘this is the worse day of my life because my husband cancelled on dinner because he had to work to support my extravagant lifestyle.' Suck it up and stop.
6. Adding People You Don't Know
We're not sure what it is - to up your ‘friends' numbers or to seem like you're friends with the cool kids. When you add somebody, a pop up screen comes on telling you that you should "only send this request if you know him or her personally." How do people miss this disclaimer?
7. Write on a Facebook Wall instead of communicating privately
The driving force behind the success of Facebook is...vanity. People love the idea that others are watching what they're doing. But seriously! We don't need to know what names you call your boyfriend and what you're planning to do to him tonight.
8. Tagging drunken pictures of your friends
Yes, it's funny. But chances are, his boss and his mother are also on Facebook. You don't want to go out for a big one on a weeknight, have to call in sick for work the day after only to have your boss tell you that he's already seen photos of you sh*tfaced crawling in the gutter on Facebook. If you don't want that to happen to you, don't do it to your friends.
9. Children on Facebook
Facebook bans 20,000 kids from their site everyday, and we're glad this is done. Parents need to be more diligent with policing their children on social media, and they should be educated on social media etiquette in school. Sexual predators are nothing to joke about.
10. Animal Farms and Fish Tanks
I have a job, I don't want to feed virtual sheeps. You need to get off your computer and get a life.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Good Health by FASTING.. :)
Washington, April 4 (IANS) Do you know that fasting, long associated with religious rituals, diets and political protests, also ensures good health and protects your heart?
New evidence from the Intermountain Medical Centre Heart Institute in Utah shows that periodic fasting not only lowers one's risk of coronary artery disease and diabetes, but also causes changes in blood cholesterol levels.
'Fasting causes hunger or stress. In response, the body releases more cholesterol, allowing it to utilise fat as a source of fuel, instead of glucose,' says Benjamin D. Horne, the study's principal investigator. 'This decreases the number of fat cells in the body,' says Horne, director of cardiovascular and genetic epidemiology at Intermountain Institute. 'This is important because the fewer fat cells a body has, the less likely it will experience insulin resistance or diabetes,' adds Horne, according to an Intermountain statement.
Researchers also found that fasting reduces other cardiac risk factors, such as triglycerides, weight and blood sugar levels.
'These new findings demonstrate that our original discovery was not a chance event,' says Horne.
The discovery expands upon a 2007 Intermountain study that revealed a link between fasting and reduced risk of coronary heart disease, the leading cause of death among men and women in the US.
The participants' low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (bad cholesterol) and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (good cholesterol) increased by 14 percent and 6 percent respectively, raising their total cholesterol level and catching the researchers by surprise.
These findings were presented at the annual scientific sessions of the American College of Cardiology in New Orleans.
P/S: this is why Muslim need to fasting for a month because Allah knows everything..
'Fasting causes hunger or stress. In response, the body releases more cholesterol, allowing it to utilise fat as a source of fuel, instead of glucose,' says Benjamin D. Horne, the study's principal investigator. 'This decreases the number of fat cells in the body,' says Horne, director of cardiovascular and genetic epidemiology at Intermountain Institute. 'This is important because the fewer fat cells a body has, the less likely it will experience insulin resistance or diabetes,' adds Horne, according to an Intermountain statement.
Researchers also found that fasting reduces other cardiac risk factors, such as triglycerides, weight and blood sugar levels.
'These new findings demonstrate that our original discovery was not a chance event,' says Horne.
The discovery expands upon a 2007 Intermountain study that revealed a link between fasting and reduced risk of coronary heart disease, the leading cause of death among men and women in the US.
The participants' low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (bad cholesterol) and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (good cholesterol) increased by 14 percent and 6 percent respectively, raising their total cholesterol level and catching the researchers by surprise.
These findings were presented at the annual scientific sessions of the American College of Cardiology in New Orleans.
P/S: this is why Muslim need to fasting for a month because Allah knows everything..
Friday, April 1, 2011
Women's perceptions towards FACEBOOK
A new survey conducted in the name of market research by daily deal company Eversave revealed some surprising and some not so surprising statistics about what women really think about their Facebook friends.
The results of the survey, which was conducted among 400 women in the USA, were published on technology blog Mashable on March 30.
While 400 is not a large sample size of the female population on Facebook, the survey found that the majority of women were annoyed by some common personality types and traits shared by their friends.
Other annoying traits of Facebook friends included posting political opinions, which annoyed 41 percent of women, and "bragging [boasting] about their perfect lives," for 32 percent, while 16 percent got peeved at Facebook friends who were "always posting updates about their precious kids."
The women surveyed were also asked to indentify personality types they were friends with on Facebook. The results are as follows:
65 % were friends with a "documentarian" - someone who constantly documents his or her life
61 % said they were friends with "a drama queen"
57 % were friends with '"a proud mama"
46 % were friends with "a liker" - someone who constantly "likes" Facebook posts
40 % were friends with "a poser"
35 % were friends with a "frenemy - an enemy whom both parties pretend is a friend
30 % were friends with a "one upper" - someone who constantly tries to do things better than others.
26 % were friends with an "airbrusher" - a person who alters photos to appear more attractive
Also, worryingly, 25 percent of the women surveyed were friends with a "stalker" - a person who follows their posts and activities through Facebook.
The results of the survey, which was conducted among 400 women in the USA, were published on technology blog Mashable on March 30.
While 400 is not a large sample size of the female population on Facebook, the survey found that the majority of women were annoyed by some common personality types and traits shared by their friends.
The most annoying habit of Facebook friends, according to 63 percent of women surveyed, was "complain[ing] all the time."
Other annoying traits of Facebook friends included posting political opinions, which annoyed 41 percent of women, and "bragging [boasting] about their perfect lives," for 32 percent, while 16 percent got peeved at Facebook friends who were "always posting updates about their precious kids."
The women surveyed were also asked to indentify personality types they were friends with on Facebook. The results are as follows:
65 % were friends with a "documentarian" - someone who constantly documents his or her life
61 % said they were friends with "a drama queen"
57 % were friends with '"a proud mama"
46 % were friends with "a liker" - someone who constantly "likes" Facebook posts
40 % were friends with "a poser"
35 % were friends with a "frenemy - an enemy whom both parties pretend is a friend
30 % were friends with a "one upper" - someone who constantly tries to do things better than others.
26 % were friends with an "airbrusher" - a person who alters photos to appear more attractive
Also, worryingly, 25 percent of the women surveyed were friends with a "stalker" - a person who follows their posts and activities through Facebook.
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