Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Marry You.. by Bruno Mars
it's a beautiful night we're looking for something dumb to do
hey baby i think i wanna marry you
is it the look in your eyes or is it this dancing juice
who cares baby, i think i wanna marry you
well i know this little chapel on the boulevard
we can go whoa whoa
no one will no whoa
oh come on girl
who cares if we're trashed
got a pocket full of cash we can blow whoa whoa
shots of patrol whoa whoa
and guitar girl
don't say no no no no no
just say yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
and we'll go go go go go
if you're ready, like i'm ready
cos it's a beautiful night we're looking for something dumb to do
hey baby i think i wanna marry you
is it the look in your eyes or is it this dancing juice
who cares baby, i think i wanna marry you
i'll go get the ring
let the choir bell sing like ooh ooh ooh
so what you wanna do ooh ooh
lets just run girl
if we wake up and you want to break up
that's cool ooh ooh
no i won't blame you ooh ooh
it was fun girl
don't say no no no no no
just say yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
and we'll go go go go go
if you're ready, like i'm ready
cos it's a beautiful night we're looking for something dumb to do
hey baby i think i wanna marry you
is it the look in your eyes or is it this dancing juice
who cares baby, i think i wanna marry you
just say i do ooh ooh ooh
tell me right now baby
tell me right now baby, baby
just say i do ooh ooh ooh
tell me right now baby
tell me right now baby, baby
it's a beautiful night we're looking for something dumb to do
hey baby i think i wanna marry you
is it the look in your eyes or is it this dancing juice
who cares baby, i think i wanna marry you
Friday, March 25, 2011
7 diet Strategies.. ~it works!!!~
The Zone, the cabbage soup diet, the Master Cleanser lemonade diet -- how can you tell what is a fad and what really works? On March 4, health and science website LiveScience reported on seven diet tips that really work.
1. Skip the corn syrup: One study revealed that rats who guzzled drinks made from high fructose corn syrup gained much more weight than those who drank sugar-sweetened drinks, even when the drinks contained the same amount of calories. High fructose corn syrup is found not only in soft drinks but frostings, bacon, candy bars, donuts, sausages, hot dogs, snack cakes, and a number of processed foods.
2. Deal with your junk food addiction: Research reveals that junk food can affect your brain in ways similar to hard drugs, signaling dopamine receptors and changing behaviors, so that eating junk food becomes a top priority. One way to avoid the junk food temptation, experts say, is to avoid going long stretches of time without eating and watch portion sizes when you do indulge in a junk food treat.
3. Eat at structured times: To avoid energy crashes, plan meals and snacks in advance and allow your body to settle into a predicatable routine. Avoid waiting more than three hours to have a small meal or snack.
4. Eat your breakfast: Ideally, eat a protein-rich breakfast, such as scrambled eggs and toast, to feel more satiated throughout the rest of day, experts say. Plus the extra fat in the egg can have a long-lasting effect, leaving you feeling less starved at lunchtime and tempted to overindulge. In one study, men who had eggs and toast for breakfast ate about 400 fewer calories over the course of the day than those who ate a carb-heavy meal of a bagel with low-fat cream cheese and low-fat yogurt.
5. Choose foods low on the glycemic index (or eat closer to nature): Selecting high-protein, high-fiber foods lower on the glycemic index, which refers to how quickly foods affect blood sugar, can stabilize energy levels. Foods higher on the index (sweets, white rice, white flour breads) spike blood sugar but then subsequently lead to an energy crash. Or as a backup plan, simply favor fresh foods, such as vegetables, meat, and fruits, over processed ones.
6. Change your environment: A new study by Cornell University suggests that to be more successful in your diet, adjust your surroundings. Use a smaller plate, keep second helpings out of reach, and hide the sweet stuff to avoid mindless eating.
7. Enjoy your food: When we pay attention to what we're eating -- color, texture, freshness, and seasoning -- "we are satisfied in a deeper way than stuffing of our stomachs could ever accomplish," reports LiveScience. Put down the smartphone or other distractions, take your time, and savor every bite.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Japan Scrambles after 3rd blast at Nuclear Plant
A huge explosion rocked a Japanese nuclear plant Tuesday, the third since a devastating quake-tsunami catastrophe that has left engineers struggling to control overheating reactors.
As well as the atomic emergency, Japan is struggling to cope with the enormity of the damage from the record-breaking quake and the tsunami which raced across vast tracts of its northeast, destroying all before it.
The official death toll has risen to 2,414, police said Tuesday, but officials say at least 10,000 are likely to have perished.
Scene: Japan in survival mode after quake
Japan's nuclear safety agency said the operator of the stricken Fukushima No.1 power plant on the eastern coast believed the seal around the reactor, which is critical for preventing a major radiation leak, had not been holed.
But the top government spokesman said there appeared to be damage to the structure around the number-two reactor, the third to be hit by an explosion since Friday's disaster which knocked out cooling systems.
The spokesman, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano, told reporters there could be damage to the suppression pool of the reactor, which forms the base of the container vessel that seals the fuel rods.
"But we have not recorded any sudden jump in radiation indicators," Edano said.
Plant operator Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO) "said it believes the container vessel has not sustained damage such as a hole, judging from the fact that the radiation level has not jumped", a safety agency spokesman told AFP.
TEPCO said some workers had been evacuated from the number-two reactor at the plant, located 250 kilometres (155 miles) northeast of Tokyo, but those pumping water to cool the reactor were still at work.
Higher radiation levels were recorded in Ibaraki prefecture north of Tokyo after the the blast, Kyodo News reported, but it quoted the safety agency as saying that the level did not pose health risks.
Scene: Japanese towns become wastelands
On Saturday an explosion blew apart the building surrounding the plant's number-one reactor but the seal around the reactor itself remained intact, officials said.
On Monday, shortly after Prime Minister Naoto Kan said the plant was still in an "alarming" state, a blast at its number-three reactor shook the facility, injuring 11 people and sending plumes of smoke billowing into the sky.
Late Monday TEPCO said fuel rods at the number-two reactor were almost fully exposed after a cooling pump there temporarily failed.
The UN's nuclear watchdog, the International Atomic Energy Agency, said Tokyo had asked for expert assistance in the aftermath of the quake which US seismologists are now measuring at 9.0-magnitude, revised up from 8.9. Focus: Digital ways to donate to Japan disaster relief
But the IAEA's Japanese chief Yukiya Amano moved to calm global fears that the situation could escalate to rival the world's worst nuclear crisis at Chernobyl in the Ukraine in 1986.
"Let me say that the possibility that the development of this accident into one like Chernobyl is very unlikely," he said.
Officials have already declared an exclusion zone within a 20-kilometre (12-mile) radius of the plant and evacuated 210,000 people.
Focus: Japan quake threatens setback for nuclear energy
At one shelter, a young woman holding her baby told public broadcaster NHK: "I didn't want this baby to be exposed to radiation. I wanted to avoid that, no matter what."
Further north in the region of Miyagi, which took the full brunt of Friday's terrifying wall of water, rescue teams searching through the shattered debris of towns and villages have found 2,000 bodies.
And the Miyagi police chief has said he is certain more than 10,000 people perished in his prefecture.
Millions have been left without water, electricity, fuel or enough food and hundreds of thousands more are homeless and facing harsh conditions with sub-zero temperatures overnight, and snow and rain forecast.
Scene: Foreigners, wary of nuclear risk, flee Tokyo
Tokyo stocks, which were punished Monday when the markets reopened, sending indexes around the world sliding, were marked down another 3.03 percent in opening trade Tuesday.
Panic selling saw stocks close more than six percent lower in Tokyo Monday on fears for the world's third-biggest economy, as power shortages prompted rolling blackouts and factory shutdowns in quake-hit areas.
Kaori Ohashi, 39, a mother-of-two working in a facility for the elderly with severe dementia near the city of Sendai, spent two nights trapped in the building after its first floor was submerged by the tsunami.
"Snow started to fall and it became dark. We lost power. I thought 'This is a nightmare'," Ohashi told AFP after she was rescued.
At least 1.4 million people in Japan were temporarily without running water and more than 500,000 were taking shelter in evacuation centres, said the UN's Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.
Facts: Fukushima nuclear plant
At a hospital in the fishing town of Kesennuma hit by the tsunami, an official said basic supplies were desperately needed.
"We are critically short of water," he said. "Water is very important here. To save it, we need a lot of disposable dishes. We need blankets as well."
A tearful elderly woman in the devastated town of Minamisanriku told public broadcaster NHK: "I need to go to hospital. I need medicine."
Aid workers and search teams from across the world joined 100,000 Japanese soldiers in a massive relief push as the country suffers a wave of major aftershocks.
The foreign ministry expressed its "heartfelt appreciation" for offers of help pouring in from around the world, and said rescue teams from 11 countries including China -- Japan's traditional rival -- were now on the ground. Scene: Outrunning the deadly tsunami
With ports, airports, highways and manufacturing plants shut down, the government has predicted "considerable impact on a wide range of our country's economic activities".
Leading risk analysis firm AIR Worldwide said the quake alone would exact an economic toll estimated at between $14.5 billion and $34.6 billion (10 billion to 25 billion euros) -- even leaving aside the effects of the tsunami.
~courtesy from YAHOO!~
As well as the atomic emergency, Japan is struggling to cope with the enormity of the damage from the record-breaking quake and the tsunami which raced across vast tracts of its northeast, destroying all before it.
The official death toll has risen to 2,414, police said Tuesday, but officials say at least 10,000 are likely to have perished.
Scene: Japan in survival mode after quake
Japan's nuclear safety agency said the operator of the stricken Fukushima No.1 power plant on the eastern coast believed the seal around the reactor, which is critical for preventing a major radiation leak, had not been holed.
But the top government spokesman said there appeared to be damage to the structure around the number-two reactor, the third to be hit by an explosion since Friday's disaster which knocked out cooling systems.
The spokesman, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano, told reporters there could be damage to the suppression pool of the reactor, which forms the base of the container vessel that seals the fuel rods.
"But we have not recorded any sudden jump in radiation indicators," Edano said.
Plant operator Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO) "said it believes the container vessel has not sustained damage such as a hole, judging from the fact that the radiation level has not jumped", a safety agency spokesman told AFP.
TEPCO said some workers had been evacuated from the number-two reactor at the plant, located 250 kilometres (155 miles) northeast of Tokyo, but those pumping water to cool the reactor were still at work.
Higher radiation levels were recorded in Ibaraki prefecture north of Tokyo after the the blast, Kyodo News reported, but it quoted the safety agency as saying that the level did not pose health risks.
Scene: Japanese towns become wastelands
On Saturday an explosion blew apart the building surrounding the plant's number-one reactor but the seal around the reactor itself remained intact, officials said.
On Monday, shortly after Prime Minister Naoto Kan said the plant was still in an "alarming" state, a blast at its number-three reactor shook the facility, injuring 11 people and sending plumes of smoke billowing into the sky.
Late Monday TEPCO said fuel rods at the number-two reactor were almost fully exposed after a cooling pump there temporarily failed.
The UN's nuclear watchdog, the International Atomic Energy Agency, said Tokyo had asked for expert assistance in the aftermath of the quake which US seismologists are now measuring at 9.0-magnitude, revised up from 8.9. Focus: Digital ways to donate to Japan disaster relief
But the IAEA's Japanese chief Yukiya Amano moved to calm global fears that the situation could escalate to rival the world's worst nuclear crisis at Chernobyl in the Ukraine in 1986.
"Let me say that the possibility that the development of this accident into one like Chernobyl is very unlikely," he said.
Officials have already declared an exclusion zone within a 20-kilometre (12-mile) radius of the plant and evacuated 210,000 people.
Focus: Japan quake threatens setback for nuclear energy
At one shelter, a young woman holding her baby told public broadcaster NHK: "I didn't want this baby to be exposed to radiation. I wanted to avoid that, no matter what."
Further north in the region of Miyagi, which took the full brunt of Friday's terrifying wall of water, rescue teams searching through the shattered debris of towns and villages have found 2,000 bodies.
And the Miyagi police chief has said he is certain more than 10,000 people perished in his prefecture.
Millions have been left without water, electricity, fuel or enough food and hundreds of thousands more are homeless and facing harsh conditions with sub-zero temperatures overnight, and snow and rain forecast.
Scene: Foreigners, wary of nuclear risk, flee Tokyo
Tokyo stocks, which were punished Monday when the markets reopened, sending indexes around the world sliding, were marked down another 3.03 percent in opening trade Tuesday.
Panic selling saw stocks close more than six percent lower in Tokyo Monday on fears for the world's third-biggest economy, as power shortages prompted rolling blackouts and factory shutdowns in quake-hit areas.
Kaori Ohashi, 39, a mother-of-two working in a facility for the elderly with severe dementia near the city of Sendai, spent two nights trapped in the building after its first floor was submerged by the tsunami.
"Snow started to fall and it became dark. We lost power. I thought 'This is a nightmare'," Ohashi told AFP after she was rescued.
At least 1.4 million people in Japan were temporarily without running water and more than 500,000 were taking shelter in evacuation centres, said the UN's Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.
Facts: Fukushima nuclear plant
At a hospital in the fishing town of Kesennuma hit by the tsunami, an official said basic supplies were desperately needed.
"We are critically short of water," he said. "Water is very important here. To save it, we need a lot of disposable dishes. We need blankets as well."
A tearful elderly woman in the devastated town of Minamisanriku told public broadcaster NHK: "I need to go to hospital. I need medicine."
Aid workers and search teams from across the world joined 100,000 Japanese soldiers in a massive relief push as the country suffers a wave of major aftershocks.
The foreign ministry expressed its "heartfelt appreciation" for offers of help pouring in from around the world, and said rescue teams from 11 countries including China -- Japan's traditional rival -- were now on the ground. Scene: Outrunning the deadly tsunami
With ports, airports, highways and manufacturing plants shut down, the government has predicted "considerable impact on a wide range of our country's economic activities".
Leading risk analysis firm AIR Worldwide said the quake alone would exact an economic toll estimated at between $14.5 billion and $34.6 billion (10 billion to 25 billion euros) -- even leaving aside the effects of the tsunami.
~courtesy from YAHOO!~
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Suatu Cerita.. ~~
Nape mesti mimpikan pasal dier saat hati & perasaan mulai hilang?? Mimpi kan just mainan tido.. tp terasa benar belaka & sgt la romantik..
"I want to propose u.."
"Err..errr..errr.." Lalu jari dihulurkan pdnya.. "Tp i xnk la cemni.. i nk restu my parents.." Lantas tangan ku ditarik.. kami berlari..
Syukur Alhamdulillah.. kedua2 keluarga kami menerima dgn gembira.. kami sgt bahagia sewaktu itu..
Namun, perasaannya tetiba berubah..
Dier seakan menghilang.. Kenapa???
Disaat sedih diatas kehilangannya & mencari pelbagai sebab..
Lantas.. sewaktu itulah tido ku terjaga.. hahaha.. :P
p/s kisah ini tiada kena mgena dgn sesapa.. so, jgn perasan k.. :)
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