Friday, March 25, 2011
7 diet Strategies.. ~it works!!!~
The Zone, the cabbage soup diet, the Master Cleanser lemonade diet -- how can you tell what is a fad and what really works? On March 4, health and science website LiveScience reported on seven diet tips that really work.
1. Skip the corn syrup: One study revealed that rats who guzzled drinks made from high fructose corn syrup gained much more weight than those who drank sugar-sweetened drinks, even when the drinks contained the same amount of calories. High fructose corn syrup is found not only in soft drinks but frostings, bacon, candy bars, donuts, sausages, hot dogs, snack cakes, and a number of processed foods.
2. Deal with your junk food addiction: Research reveals that junk food can affect your brain in ways similar to hard drugs, signaling dopamine receptors and changing behaviors, so that eating junk food becomes a top priority. One way to avoid the junk food temptation, experts say, is to avoid going long stretches of time without eating and watch portion sizes when you do indulge in a junk food treat.
3. Eat at structured times: To avoid energy crashes, plan meals and snacks in advance and allow your body to settle into a predicatable routine. Avoid waiting more than three hours to have a small meal or snack.
4. Eat your breakfast: Ideally, eat a protein-rich breakfast, such as scrambled eggs and toast, to feel more satiated throughout the rest of day, experts say. Plus the extra fat in the egg can have a long-lasting effect, leaving you feeling less starved at lunchtime and tempted to overindulge. In one study, men who had eggs and toast for breakfast ate about 400 fewer calories over the course of the day than those who ate a carb-heavy meal of a bagel with low-fat cream cheese and low-fat yogurt.
5. Choose foods low on the glycemic index (or eat closer to nature): Selecting high-protein, high-fiber foods lower on the glycemic index, which refers to how quickly foods affect blood sugar, can stabilize energy levels. Foods higher on the index (sweets, white rice, white flour breads) spike blood sugar but then subsequently lead to an energy crash. Or as a backup plan, simply favor fresh foods, such as vegetables, meat, and fruits, over processed ones.
6. Change your environment: A new study by Cornell University suggests that to be more successful in your diet, adjust your surroundings. Use a smaller plate, keep second helpings out of reach, and hide the sweet stuff to avoid mindless eating.
7. Enjoy your food: When we pay attention to what we're eating -- color, texture, freshness, and seasoning -- "we are satisfied in a deeper way than stuffing of our stomachs could ever accomplish," reports LiveScience. Put down the smartphone or other distractions, take your time, and savor every bite.
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